TU has totally remodel the old library to provide a better place for students to do group work, receiving tutoring assistance and a place to just hang out with friends. Library materials are still available for research and class projects. Movies, virtual reality head sets, tons of games available!
“We wanted to make the Library space into a new Learning Commons, which will provide an environment for our students with the most comfortable atmosphere to assist with their studies,” Tiffeny McCardel, Learning Commons Technical Assistant, said.
The Learning Commons has 19 individual study carrels, 24 tables for collaborative work, and two private study rooms that have a smart TV, table, and chairs. There is also a comfortable seating area that has a couch and four comfy chairs, and four new oversized bean bag chairs.
There are two computer labs with 23 computers and two large printers.
Students can not only study, but they can play games. The Learning Commons has two MetaQuest VR headsets.
“We are really excited about these and they have become a hit among students, faculty, and staff,” McCardel said. “Patrons can play games such as Beat Saber, Space Pirates, and virtual golf or meditate using a guided meditation app. We also have an app to help with studying called Librarium, students can add flashcards and play games involving finding the hidden cards and then shooting the correct answer when they pop up.”
“MLK: Now is the Time” and “Anne Frank House” were recently added to the VR experience. Both of which bring history to life in a new and immersive environment.
Another new amenity that is available is a small coffee station that is sponsored by CAB. Students can grab a cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate.
There are some books available in the Learning Commons, but the vast majority are in a storage area. Students can request books by visiting TU’s online catalog by clicking this link. The books will then be placed on hold. Staff will retrieve the books and notify the student when it is available for pickup. Students can also send an email to tulibrary@thomasu.edu to get any updates.