General Manager for Military Transition
Thomas University is seeking a General Manager for Military Transition. This is a Director level position for the university’s military transition football program. Competing in the Sun Conference, the team is a first in the nation, NAIA, Division I football team that is specifically designed for members of the U.S. military who are transitioning into and out of national service. Reporting to the Vice President for Military and Corporate affairs, the GM also has responsibilities to the Athletic Director and is expected to work seamlessly with the Head Football Coach.
As a program for members of the U.S. armed services, the General Manager has primary responsibility for executing transition programming that includes but is not limited to: maintaining positive relationships with recruiting commands for all branches of service, both administrating and teaching in a transition course, ensuring a consistent agenda of career, benefits, and mental health counseling, capitalizing on the expertise of relevant veteran services organizations, accessing transition vehicles such as DoD Skill Bridge and cultivating volunteer pipelines to supplement coaching staff, tracking transition outcomes data and grant writing, and collaborating with the Vice President for Military and Corporate Affairs to establish pipelines of employment for graduates. The GM is subject to other duties as they arise or as assigned by the Vice President for Military and Corporate Affairs. Candidates with relevant experience may serve as a position coach on the football coaching staff.
Successful candidates will hold a minimum of a Master’s Degree in a relevant field and have at least 3 years of experience working with veteran services organizations focused on military transition. Preferences will be given to candidates who have served in the U.S. military. Experience with college teaching or coaching is a plus. All candidates are expected to demonstrate a working knowledge of VA benefits, including CH 33, and enlistment standards for National Guard and military Reserves. To apply for this position, use the link