Grimsley builds chairs for TU’s Magnolia Pavilion as part of Eagle Scout project

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When Thomas University’s Magnolia Pavilion and Courtyard opened for students last fall, the area provided a great location for students gather and enjoy outdoor time together. Recently Walton Grimsley, a member of Boy Scout Troop 306, made the pavilion even more welcoming with the addition of six Adirondack chairs that he built with the help of a few fellow scouts and a couple of mentors as part of his Eagle Scout project.

A 16-year-old rising junior at Brookwood School in Thomasville, Grimsley is the son of Kelly Grimsley and Mike Grimsley.

“My family has always been very involved with Thomas University,” Grimsley said. “For the Eagle project, you have to do something for your community that will benefit others.”

When Grimsley began to consider project ideas, his father encouraged him to consider a project that would benefit TU. Grimsley’s mentor coach for the project, Jay Flowers, suggested Adirondack chairs for TU’s Magnolia Pavilion.

Grimsley began working on the project with the help of Flowers and Mason Hodge, Grimsley’s brother-in-law, who is an engineer and a former Eagle Scout. Together they built the first chair as a template to determine what materials they needed and how much time it would take for the other chairs before proceeding with the project.

“That was the longest process – just learning how to do it and figuring out how long it was going to take,” Grimsley said.

Walton Grimsley with the six Adirondack chairs he built for Thomas University’s Magnolia Pavilion as his Eagle Scout Project.

Grimsley said the Eagle Scout project taught him about more than just woodworking skills; he also learned about leadership. He recruited fellow scouts to help with the project. While working with them, Grimsley shared safety precautions and explained how to use the woodworking equipment correctly.

After five Saturdays in the workshop, the TU-green Adirondack chairs were ready for their new home on the Magnolia Pavilion. Now Grimsley enjoys driving by the pavilion and looks to see if the chairs have been moved – a sure sign TU students are enjoying his work.

Walton Grimsley (left, back) worked with others scouts in Troop 306 to build six Adirondack chairs for Thomas University’s Magnolia Pavilion as his Eagle Scout Project. Joining in the delivery are Jay Flowers, (right, back) project mentor coach; Mike Grimsley (front, left), Walton Grimsley’s father; and Dr. Robert Bohman, TU’s Vice President for Student Life.

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