Head Men’s Football Coach

Thomas University is seeking a Head Coach for its Military Transition Football Team. Competing in the Sun Conference, it is a first in the nation, NAIA, Division I football team that is specifically designed for members of the U.S. military who are transitioning into and out of national service. The Head Football Coach reports to the Athletic Director but has responsibilities to the General Manager for Military Transition. The Head Coach is responsible for all aspects of a college football program including but not limited to: recruiting and retention of athletes, managing volunteers, fund-raising; summer campus, fiscal management; monitoring academic and disciplinary standing of athletes, NAIA compliance; scheduling; planning; practice and game supervision; personnel training and supervision; maintaining positive relations with support staff, athletic department staff, university community, off campus constituents, media and alumni.

As a program for members of the U.S. armed services, the coach also has a responsibility to support transition programming that includes but is not limited to: maintaining positive relationships with recruiting commands for all branches of service, teaching one course in the general curriculum when not in season, ensuring a consistent agenda of exposure to career, benefits, and mental health counseling, capitalizing on the expertise of relevant veteran services organizations, tracking transition outcomes data and grant writing, and collaborating with the Vice President for Military and Corporate Affairs to establish pipelines of employment for graduates. The Head Coach is subject to other duties as they arise or as assigned by the Athletic Director.

Successful candidates will hold a minimum of a Master’s Degree in a field appropriate to offerings at the university and have at least 3 years of collegiate coaching experience. Preferences will be given to candidates who have served in the U.S. military and have experience working with veteran service organizations focused on career transition. All candidates are expected to demonstrate a working knowledge of VA benefits, including CH 33, and enlistment standards for National Guard and military Reserves.

Please send resumes to Kurt Stringfellow at kstringfellow@thomasu.edu

Thomas University

Education that Engages

1501 Millpond Road
Thomasville, GA 31792
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