Applicants accepted into the program and completing all degree requirements, will be eligible for a Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) Tier I Leadership Certification. The MEd in Educational Leadership (Tier I) certifies the educator to serve as an assistant principal or coordinator at the district level who does not supervise principals.
The MEd in Educational Leadership (Tier I) is a 33 hour program that can be completed in 5 semesters. Each course is 8 weeks in length and meets online synchronous every-other-week. Candidates typically take one class at a time.
- EDU 600 Introduction to Graduate Programs
- EDU 604 Observation and Analysis
- EDU 611 Leading a Professional Learning Community
- EDU 618 Building Collaborative Teams
- EDU 615 Educational Law
- EDU 617 Using Data to Improve Schools
- EDU 619 Action research for School Leader
- EDU 671 Leading with a Social, Emotional, and Cultural Lens
- EDU 672 Human and Fiscal Resources
- EDU 673 Collaborating and Communicating with Stakeholders
- EDU 674 Instructional Leadership for School Improvement
Total Credits 33
CIP Code: 14.0401
In addition to admissions requirements for graduate education program, candidates admitted to the M.Ed. in Educational Leaderships must:
- possess a level 4 or higher Induction, Professional, Advance Professional, or Lead Professional teaching certificate, service field certificate or Life certificate at the appropriate level.
- Have a minimum of one year of teaching experience
- Present a passing score on the Georgia Ethics for Educational Leaders exam
- Present completion of three or more semester hours of coursework in the identification and education of children who have special educational needs or the equivalent through a Georgia-approved professional learning program.
- A completed Mentor form
- A signed Partnership Agreement
The Certificate in Educational Leadership provides candidates who already hold a master’s degree or higher in education with the content knowledge and credentials necessary to effectively lead schools, districts, and educational agencies. Applicants accepted into the program and completing all degree requirements, will be eligible for a Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) Tier I Leadership Certification. Tier I Educational Leadership certifies the educator to serve as an assistant principal or coordinator at the district level who does not supervise principals.
The Certificate in Educational Leadership Tier I Certification-Only is an eighteen (18) hour program that can be completed in two or three semesters (classes available every fall/spring/summer). Each course is 8 weeks in length and meets online synchronous every-other week. Candidates take one class at a time.
The program is highly professionally oriented, and candidates for the program are expected to currently be employed in a professional role in an organization providing professional educational services (e.g., school, district office, regional educational service agency, department of education). All courses require job-embedded field experiences to provide a synthesis of the practical and theoretical knowledge necessary for today’s educational leader. At the conclusion of the program, candidates will possess the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to lead schools to higher levels of achievement for all students.
Graduates of the Thomas University Teacher Leadership program matriculate seamlessly into the Certification-Only program and will be able to transfer in the six required elective hours.
- EDU 671 Leading with a Social, Emotional, and Cultural Lens
- EDU 672 Human and Fiscal Resources
- EDU 673 Collaborating and Communicating with Stakeholders
- EDU 674 Instructional Leadership for School Improvement
ELECTIVES (2 classes)
- EDU 611 Leading a Professional Learning Community
- EDU 615 Educational Law
- EDU 617 Using Data to Improve Schools
Total Credits 18
CIP Code: 14.0401
In addition to the admission requirements for the graduate education programs, Tier I certificate applicants must:
- Hold a master's degree or higher in a relevant field from a regionally accredited collelge/university.
- Present a passing score on the Georgia Ethics for Educational Leaders exam.
- Present completion of three or more semester hours of coursework in the identification and education of children who have special educational needs or the equivalent through a Georgia-approved professional learning program.
- A completed Mentor form.
- A signed Partnership Agreement.
Applicants accepted into the program and completing all degree requirements, will be eligible for a Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) Tier II Leadership Certification. The EdS in Educational Leadership (Tier II) certifies the educator to serve as a principal or in a district position that supervises principals.
The EdS in Educational Leadership (Tier II) is a 27 hour program that can be completed in 5 semesters. Each course is 8 weeks in length and meets online synchronous every-other-week. Candidates take one class at a time.
- EDU 676 Culturally Responsive Leadership
- EDU 677 Facilitating Professional Learning Development in a Collaborative Culture
- EDU 678 Leadership Development
- EDU 679 Utilizing Data to Lead School Improvement
- EDU 682 Leading from a Culture of Care
- EDU 683 Ethical and Legal Resource Management
- EDU 684 Leading Curriculum and instruction for Educational Change
- EDU 685 Advanced Educational Research for School Leaders
- EDU 686 Organizational Management
Total Credits 27
CIP Code: 14.0401
In addition to admissions requirements for graduate education programs, candidates admitted to the Ed.S. in Educational Leadership must:
- Hold a master's degree or higher in a relevant field from a regionally accredited college.
- Present a current Georgia Tier I Educational Leadership certificate or hold a valid, GaPSC issued Standard Professional L or PL certificate in Educational Leadership.
- Have a minimum of three years of teaching and/or administrative experience.
- Hold a leadership position or role as definied by the Candidate's District or Independent/Charter school.
- A completed Mentor form
- A completed School System Endorsement Form.
- A signed Partnership Agreement.
The Certificate in Educational Leadership provides candidates who already hold a education specialist degree or higher in education, currently employed in an administrative position (e.g. Assistant Principal) and have a Tier I Educational Leadership certification.
The Certificate in Educational Leadership Tier II Certification-Only is an nineteen (19) hour program that can be completed in three semesters (classes available every fall/spring/summer). Each course is 8 weeks in length and meets online synchronous every-other week.
The program is highly professionally oriented, and candidates for the program are expected to currently be employed in a professional role in an organization providing professional educational services (e.g. school, district office, regional educational service agency, department of education). All courses require job-embedded field experiences to provide a synthesis of the practical and theoretical knowledge necessary for today’s educational leader. At the conclusion of the program, candidates will possess the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to lead schools to higher levels of achievement for all students.
- EDU 601 Orientation to Advanced Programs in Education
- EDU 678 Leadership Development
- EDU 682 Leading from a Culture of Care
- EDU 686 Organizational Management
- EDU 684 Leading Curriculum and Instruction for Educational Change
- EDU 676 Culturally Responsive Leadership
- EDU 677 Facilitating Professional Learning Development in a Collaborative Culture
- EDU 687 Educational Leadership Tier II Certification Preparation (Optional)
- Advanced Candidate Program Completion
Total Credits 19
CIP Code:
CIP Code: 14.0401
In addition to the admission requirements for the graduate education programs, Tier I certificate applicants must:
- Possess a level 4 or higher Induction, Professional, Advance Professional, or Lead Professional teaching certificate, service field certificate or Life certificate at the appropriate level.
- Have a minimum of one year of teaching experience
- Present a passing score on the Georgia Ethics for Educational Leaders exam
- Present completion of three or more semester hours of coursework in the identification and education of children who have special educational needs or the equivalent through a Georgia-approved professional learning program.
- A completed Mentor form
- A signed Partnership Agreement