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Education Graduate Degrees

Most Affordable Ed Leadership degreeThomas University offers graduate education degrees in eight areas as well as a Specialist degree and an endorsement program.

Each of the graduate education degrees can be completed in five semesters, and is offered in multiple locations in Georgia as well as synchronous online format. We employ a cohort model with 8-week courses that meet every other week from 5:45 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. with online coursework on the alternating weeks. Students are eligible to transfer up to six credits of applicable prior graduate coursework.

All faculty members have extensive experience in K-12 education and excellent credentials.

A graduate Education degree from Thomas University will prepare you to strengthen your classroom teaching and be a leader in your school. Please see the links below for further details.

“Thank you to all my professors at TU. You have all been excellent. This GACE was the most challenging GACE I have taken to date, and I am certified in four content areas in middle grades and subarea II in high school science. I am happy to have passed this GACE the first time.”

Lisa Fletcher, 2017


Applicants for a graduate Education degree must meet the following criteria:

  • Hold a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field from a regionally accredited college or university.
  • Hold a Georgia induction or higher teaching certificate.
  • Report a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in the last 60 credit hours earned (undergraduate and graduate). Applicants with a GPA lower than 3.0 may be considered for admission by the Graduate Division.
    Students may be required to take a 3-credit hour writing course. Other requirements may be mandated by the Division and/or Graduate Council.
  • All applicants to the Teacher Leadership program must have 1 year of teaching experience and a current full-time position in a PK-12 school.

Along with proof of the above criteria, teachers are required to submit the following with their application for Graduate Admissions:

  • Apply for Admission.
  • Send official transcripts.
  • A personal statement of career and educational objectives, including why you want to pursue a graduate degree (maximum two pages). Please explain the circumstances surrounding any ethics reprimand on your certificate.
  • Official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate schools attended. These should be forwarded directly to the Office of Admissions from the schools attended.
  • Three professional or academic references.
  • Submit completed mentor form (Teacher Leadership, Education Leadership and Curriculum & Instruction applicants only).
  • MAT candidates must also complete the MAT Teacher Candidate Admissions Packet.

Please see the information on each program for specific certification requirements.

Send admission documents, including official transcripts to


Admissions Office
Thomas University
1501 Millpond Road
Thomasville, GA 31792

+Curriculum and Instruction

The purpose this program is to develop a deeper and broader knowledge of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. The program will lead to a service (S) certificate (PK-12) when it is added to an existing Professional Georgia certificate. Students pursing the M.Ed. program must possess a Georgia induction or higher teaching certificate. Students take a total of 11 three-credit courses, plus an orientation course.

“This has been a fantastic first week of classes. I am very happy with how helpful Thomas University has been. Thomas University has also been very understanding that we have full-time jobs as well and understand our workload and have planned an appropriate work load for us. After I complete my master’s, if I continue my education it will be through Thomas University.”
-Katherine Hiers, 2018

Program Director: Dr. Lindsey Wingate 229-226-1621 ext 1043

  • Best Practices in Teaching and Learning
  • Curriculum Design and Development for Student Achievement
  • Program Planning
  • Applying Technologies for Effective Instruction
  • Educational Assessment and Decision-Making
  • Collaborative Classrooms through Social Emotional Learning
  • Diversity & Exceptionality in the 21st Century Classroom
  • Educational Research Methods
  • Teacher as a Researcher
  • Orientation to Advanced Programs in Education
  • Current Issues and Trends in Education
  • Curriculum and Instruction Capstone
  • Advanced Graduate Professional Dispositions.


Curriculum & Instruction students are required to pass a GACE exam to earn their K-12 Service Certification in Georgia.Students pursuing the M.Ed program must possess a Georgia induction or higher teaching certificate.

CIP Code 13.0301

Teachers who earn a Master's degree in Curriculum & Instruction want to remain in the classroom and strengthen their teaching abilities and instructional capacity. Educators also gain advanced knowledge of how curricula are selected and evaluated so that they can use this knowledge more effectively in their classrooms. Curriculum and Instruction graduates create new programs at their schools, become subject matter chairs, and organize and lead professional development training for colleagues. Graduates use this degree to prepare them for careers more aimed at administration and leadership, such as a curriculum coordinator position or an instructional coach. In Georgia, most districts offer higher earning potential for students with a Master's degree and a certification in Curriculum and Instruction.
  • Highly competitive GACE exam pass rate of over 90%.
  • Curriculum is built on research-based best practices, relevant professional learning, and applied experiences with student learning as the focus.
  • Much of the coursework involves job embedded assignments, designed to move a student from theory to practice.
  • Students take one course at a time during most semesters. Summer semesters plus one additional semester require two courses begin taken during the same 8-week period.
  • Small class size provides more individual attention and support.
  • Faculty are experienced in K-12 education, highly credentialed, and supportive of students. Learn about our full-time faculty.
  • Many students who graduate with our M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction return to TU for an Education Specialist degree in Teacher Leadership.
  • The GRE is not required for admission.
  • A thesis is not required for graduation.
  • TU offers a discounted tuition rate for teachers.
  • Financial aid and monthly payment options are available.
  • Thomas University is ranked among the most affordable private institutions in Georgia, according to the Georgia Independent College Association.
  • Thomas University's Division of Education is authorized by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.

+Educational Leadership

The MEd and EdS programs in Educational Leadership prepare candidates with the content knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to effectively lead schools, districts, and educational agencies. The program is highly professionally oriented, and candidates for the program are expected to currently be employed in a professional role in an organization providing professional educational services (e.g., school, district office, regional educational service agency, department of education).

Applicants accepted into the program and completing all degree requirements, will be eligible for:

  • A Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) Tier I Leadership Certification. The MEd in Educational Leadership (Tier I) certifies the educator to serve as an assistant principal or coordinator at the district level who does not supervise principals, or
  • a Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) Tier II Leadership Certification. The EdS in Educational Leadership (Tier II) certifies the educator to serve as a principal or in a district position that supervises principals.

All courses require job-embedded field experiences to provide a synthesis of the practical and theoretical knowledge necessary for today’s educational leader. At the conclusion of the program, candidates will possess the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to lead schools to higher levels of achievement for all students.

Program Director: Dr. Angelique Mitchell 229-226-1621

Applicants accepted into the program and completing all degree requirements, will be eligible for a Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) Tier I Leadership Certification. The MEd in Educational Leadership (Tier I) certifies the educator to serve as an assistant principal or coordinator at the district level who does not supervise principals.

The MEd in Educational Leadership (Tier I) is a 33 hour program that can be completed in 5 semesters. Each course is 8 weeks in length and meets online synchronous every-other-week. Candidates typically take one class at a time.


  • EDU 600 Introduction to Graduate Programs
  • EDU 604 Observation and Analysis
  • EDU 611 Leading a Professional Learning Community
  • EDU 618 Building Collaborative Teams
  • EDU 615 Educational Law
  • EDU 617 Using Data to Improve Schools
  • EDU 619 Action research for School Leader
  • EDU 671 Leading with a Social, Emotional, and Cultural Lens
  • EDU 672 Human and Fiscal Resources
  • EDU 673 Collaborating and Communicating with Stakeholders
  • EDU 674 Instructional Leadership for School Improvement

Total Credits   33

CIP Code:  14.0401

In addition to admissions requirements for graduate education program, candidates admitted to the M.Ed. in Educational Leaderships must:

  • possess a level 4 or higher Induction, Professional, Advance Professional, or Lead Professional teaching certificate, service field certificate or Life certificate at the appropriate level.
  • Have a minimum of one year of teaching experience
  • Present a passing score on the Georgia Ethics for Educational Leaders exam
  • Present completion of three or more semester hours of coursework in the identification and education of children who have special educational needs or the equivalent through a Georgia-approved professional learning program.
  • A completed Mentor form
  • A signed Partnership Agreement

The Certificate in Educational Leadership provides candidates who already hold a master’s degree or higher in education with the content knowledge and credentials necessary to effectively lead schools, districts, and educational agencies. Applicants accepted into the program and completing all degree requirements, will be eligible for a Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) Tier I Leadership Certification. Tier I Educational Leadership certifies the educator to serve as an assistant principal or coordinator at the district level who does not supervise principals.

The Certificate in Educational Leadership Tier I Certification-Only is an eighteen (18) hour program that can be completed in two or three semesters (classes available every fall/spring/summer). Each course is 8 weeks in length and meets online synchronous every-other week. Candidates take one class at a time.

The program is highly professionally oriented, and candidates for the program are expected to currently be employed in a professional role in an organization providing professional educational services (e.g., school, district office, regional educational service agency, department of education). All courses require job-embedded field experiences to provide a synthesis of the practical and theoretical knowledge necessary for today’s educational leader. At the conclusion of the program, candidates will possess the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to lead schools to higher levels of achievement for all students.

Graduates of the Thomas University Teacher Leadership program matriculate seamlessly into the Certification-Only program and will be able to transfer in the six required elective hours.



  • EDU 671 Leading with a Social, Emotional, and Cultural Lens
  • EDU 672 Human and Fiscal Resources
  • EDU 673 Collaborating and Communicating with Stakeholders
  • EDU 674 Instructional Leadership for School Improvement

ELECTIVES (2 classes)

  • EDU 611 Leading a Professional Learning Community
  • EDU 615 Educational Law
  • EDU 617 Using Data to Improve Schools

Total Credits   18

CIP Code:  14.0401


In addition to the admission requirements for the graduate education programs, Tier I certificate applicants must:

  • Hold a master's degree or higher in a relevant field from a regionally accredited collelge/university.
  • Present a passing score on the Georgia Ethics for Educational Leaders exam.
  • Present completion of three or more semester hours of coursework in the identification and education of children who have special educational needs or the equivalent through a Georgia-approved professional learning program.
  • A completed Mentor form.
  • A signed Partnership Agreement.

Applicants accepted into the program and completing all degree requirements, will be eligible for a Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) Tier II Leadership Certification. The EdS in Educational Leadership (Tier II) certifies the educator to serve as a principal or in a district position that supervises principals.

The EdS in Educational Leadership (Tier II) is a 27 hour program that can be completed in 5 semesters. Each course is 8 weeks in length and meets online synchronous every-other-week. Candidates take one class at a time.


  • EDU 676 Culturally Responsive Leadership
  • EDU 677 Facilitating Professional Learning Development in a Collaborative Culture
  • EDU 678 Leadership Development
  • EDU 679 Utilizing Data to Lead School Improvement
  • EDU 682 Leading from a Culture of Care
  • EDU 683 Ethical and Legal Resource Management
  • EDU 684 Leading Curriculum and instruction for Educational Change
  • EDU 685 Advanced Educational Research for School Leaders
  • EDU 686 Organizational Management

Total Credits 27

CIP Code: 14.0401

In addition to admissions requirements for graduate education programs, candidates admitted to the Ed.S. in Educational Leadership must:

  • Hold a master's degree or higher in a relevant field from a regionally accredited college.
  • Present a current Georgia Tier I Educational Leadership certificate or hold a valid, GaPSC issued Standard Professional L or PL certificate in Educational Leadership.
  • Have a minimum of three years of teaching and/or administrative experience.
  • Hold a leadership position or role as definied by the Candidate's District or Independent/Charter school.
  • A completed Mentor form
  • A completed School System Endorsement Form.
  • A signed Partnership Agreement.

The Certificate in Educational Leadership provides candidates who already hold a education specialist degree or higher in education, currently employed in an administrative position (e.g. Assistant Principal) and have a Tier I Educational Leadership certification.

The Certificate in Educational Leadership Tier II Certification-Only is an nineteen (19) hour program that can be completed in three semesters (classes available every fall/spring/summer). Each course is 8 weeks in length and meets online synchronous every-other week.

The program is highly professionally oriented, and candidates for the program are expected to currently be employed in a professional role in an organization providing professional educational services (e.g. school, district office, regional educational service agency, department of education). All courses require job-embedded field experiences to provide a synthesis of the practical and theoretical knowledge necessary for today’s educational leader. At the conclusion of the program, candidates will possess the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to lead schools to higher levels of achievement for all students. <Classes:

  • EDU 601 Orientation to Advanced Programs in Education
  • EDU 678 Leadership Development
  • EDU 682 Leading from a Culture of Care
  • EDU 686 Organizational Management
  • EDU 684 Leading Curriculum and Instruction for Educational Change
  • EDU 676 Culturally Responsive Leadership
  • EDU 677 Facilitating Professional Learning Development in a Collaborative Culture
  • EDU 687 Educational Leadership Tier II Certification Preparation (Optional)
  • Advanced Candidate Program Completion

Total Credits 19

CIP Code:

CIP Code:  14.0401


In addition to the admission requirements for the graduate education programs, Tier I certificate applicants must:

  • Possess a level 4 or higher Induction, Professional, Advance Professional, or Lead Professional teaching certificate, service field certificate or Life certificate at the appropriate level.
  • Have a minimum of one year of teaching experience
  • Present a passing score on the Georgia Ethics for Educational Leaders exam
  • Present completion of three or more semester hours of coursework in the identification and education of children who have special educational needs or the equivalent through a Georgia-approved professional learning program.
  • A completed Mentor form
  • A signed Partnership Agreement

+Elementary Education

Candidates admitted to the M.Ed. in Elementary Education must possess a Georgia induction of higher teaching certificate in early childhood education. The program is designed especially for early childhood education teachers to investigate current research in early childhood teaching and learning and how it translates into practice, deepen one’s knowledge and understanding of broad issues, policies and controversies that impact schools in general and early childhood teaching in particular, and to develop as a leader in early childhood education. Candidates will choose either a mathematics or reading concentration.

Program Director: Dr. Lindsey Wingate 229-226-1621 ext 1043

  • Program Planning
  • Applying Technologies for Effective Instruction
  • Educational Assessment and Decision-Making
  • Cultivating Collaborative Classrooms Through Social Emotional Learning
  • Educational Research
  • Teacher as a Researcher
  • Orientation to Advanced Programs in Education
  • Current Issues and Trends in Education
  • Advanced Graduate Professional Dispositions
CONCENTRATION (choose one - 12 hours) Mathematics
  • Set Theory
  • Developing Algebraic Concepts
  • Developing Geometric Concepts
  • Concepts and Application of Probability and Statistics
OR Reading
  • Foundations of Literacy and Assessment
  • Comprehension, Curricular and Programmatic Strategies for Improving Literacy
  • Enhancing Literacy with Literature
  • Patterns of Practice in the English Language Arts
TOTAL CREDITS 34 CIP Code 13.120
Thomas University's graduate programs for certified teachers are designed to enhance the role of the teacher as a leader in the school community. This degree is for Early Childhood Education, K-5 certified teachers with a desire to become leaders and mentors, who are critical thinkers and reflective decision-makers in their schools. Educators will strengthen proficiencies related to expected knowledge, skills and professional dispositions that are aligned with the expectations in professional and state standards, thereby increasing their marketability. Upon completion of this program, students will have earned a Master's of Education degree in Early Childhood Education and will be eligible for a certificate upgrade in the state of Georgia.
  • Curriculum is built on research-based best practices, relevant professional learning, and applied experiences with student learning as the focus.
  • Much of the coursework involves job embedded assignments, designed to move a student from theory to practice.
  • Students take one course at a time during most semesters. Summer semesters plus one additional semester require two courses begin taken during the same 8-week period.
  • Small class size provides more individual attention and support.
  • Faculty are experienced in K-12 education, highly credentialed, and supportive of students. Learn about our full-time faculty.
  • Many students who graduate with our M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education return to TU for an Education Specialist degree in Teacher Leadership.
  • The GRE is not required for admission.
  • A thesis is not required for graduation.
  • TU offers a discounted tuition rate for teachers.
  • Financial aid and monthly payment options are available.
  • Thomas University is ranked among the most affordable private institutions in Georgia, according to the Georgia Independent College Association.
  • Thomas University's Division of Education is authorized by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.

+Middle Grades Education

“Thank you so much for checking on me! Yes, I had a wonderful weekend and the first week of class has been incredible. Dr. Neal is absolutely wonderful! She’s very thorough in the delivery of the materials, and most importantly, genuinely cares about our success as students. I’m very excited about this adventure with TU and its incredible staff.”
Leslie Knighton, 2018

Program Director: Dr. Lindsey Wingate 229-226-1621 ext 1043

The program is designed especially for middle grades language arts teachers to investigate current research in language arts teaching and learning and how it translates into practice, deepen one’s knowledge and understanding of broad issues, policies, and controversies that impact schools in general and language arts teaching in particular, and to develop as a leader in language arts education.

  • Program Planning
  • Applying Technologies for Effective Instruction
  • Educational Assessment and Decision-Making
  • Collaborative Classrooms through Social Emotional Learning
  • Foundations of Literacy and Assessment
  • Comprehension, Curricular and Programmatic Strategies for Improving Literacy
  • Enhancing Literacy with Literature
  • Patterns of Practice in the English Language Arts
  • Educational Research
  • Teacher as a Researcher
  • Orientation to Advanced Programs in Education
  • Current Issues and Trends in Education
  • Advanced Graduate Professional Dispositions
TOTAL CREDITS 34 Candidates admitted to the M.Ed. in Middle Grades Language Arts must possess a Georgia induction or higher teaching certificate in middle grades language arts. Teachers who hold a professional certificate in another content area, but have an interest in an advanced degree in Middle Grades Language Arts need to do the following:
  • Sign the Out-of-Field Certification form at admission.
  • Pass the GACE in Middle Grades Language Arts prior to graduation, and then add that certification area to their certificate.
CIP Code 13.1203

Candidates admitted to the M.Ed. in Middle Grades Mathematics must possess a Georgia professional T-4 certificate in middle grades mathematics. The program is designed especially for middle grades mathematics teachers to investigate current research in mathematics teaching and learning and how it translates into practice, deepen one’s knowledge and understanding of broad issues, policies, and controversies that impact schools in general and mathematics teaching in particular, and to develop as a leader in mathematics education.


  • Program Planning
  • Applying Technologies for Effective Instruction
  • Educational Assessment and Decision-Making
  • Collaborative Classrooms through Social Emotional Learning


  • Educational Research
  • Teacher as a Researcher


  • Set Theory
  • Developing Algebraic Concepts
  • Developing Geometric Concepts
  • Concepts and Application of Probability & Statistics


  • Orientation to Advanced Programs in Education
  • Current Issues and Trends in Education
  • Advanced Graduate Professional Dispositions


Candidates admitted to the MEd. in Middle Grades Mathematics must possess a Georgia professional T-4 certificate in middle grades mathematics. Teachers who hold a professional certificate in another content area, but have an interest in an advanced degree in Middle Grades Mathematics need to do the following:

  • Sign the Out-of-Field Certification form at admission.
  • Pass the GACE in Middle Grades Mathematics prior to graduation, and then add that certification area to their certificate.

CIP Code 13.1203

Thomas University's graduate programs for certified teachers are designed to enhance the role of the teacher as a leader in the school community.

Educators will strengthen proficiencies related to expected knowledge, skills and professional dispositions that are aligned with the expectations in professional and state standards, thereby increasing their marketability.

Upon completion of this program, students will have earned a Master's of Education degree in Middle Grades Education and will be eligible for a certificate upgrade in the state of Georgia.

  • Curriculum is built on research-based best practices, relevant professional learning, and applied experiences with student learning as the focus.
  • Much of the coursework involves job embedded assignments, designed to move a student from theory to practice.
  • Students take one course at a time during most semesters. Summer semesters plus one additional semester require two courses begin taken during the same 8-week period.
  • Small class size provides more individual attention and support.
  • Faculty are experienced in K-12 education, highly credentialed, and support of students. Learn about our full-time faculty.
  • Many students who graduate with our M.Ed. in Middle Grades Education return to TU for an Education Specialist degree in Teacher Leadership.
  • The GRE is not required for admission.
  • A thesis is not required for graduation.
  • TU offers a discounted tuition rate for teachers.
  • Financial aid and monthly payment options are available.
  • Thomas University is ranked among the most affordable private institutions in Georgia, according to the Georgia Independent College Association.
  • Thomas University's Division of Education is authorized by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.

+Secondary Education

Program Director: Dr. Lindsey Wingate 229-226-1621 ext 1043

The program is designed especially for secondary grades English teachers to investigate current research in language arts teaching and learning deepen one’s knowledge and understanding of broad issues, policies, and controversies that impact schools in general and English teaching in particular.

  • Teacher Candidate Orientation
  • Educational Research
  • Teacher as Researcher
  • Applying Technologies for Effective Instruction
  • Current Issues and Trends in Education
  • Educational Assessment and Decision Making
  • Collaborative Classrooms through Social Emotional Learning
  • Rhetorical Theory and the Craft of Argument
  • Poetry (Genre Study)
  • Race, Gender and Culture in Modern American Literature
  • Studies in Shakespeare

Total Credits 33

Candidates admitted to the M.Ed. in Secondary English must possess a Georgia induction or higher teaching certificate in secondary education English.

CIP code 13.1205

The program is designed especially for secondary grades mathematics teachers to investigate current research in mathematics teaching and learning and how it translates into practice, deepen one’s knowledge and understanding of broad issues, policies, and controversies that impact schools in general and mathematics teaching in particular, and to develop as a leader in mathematics education.

  • Teacher Candidate Orientation
  • Educational Research
  • Teacher as Researcher
  • Applying Technologies for Effective Instruction
  • Current Issues and Trends in Education
  • Educational Assessment and Decision Making
  • Collaborative Classrooms through Social Emotional Learning
  • Set Theory
  • Applying Algebraic Concepts
  • Applying Geometric Concepts
  • Concepts & Applications of Probability and Statistics
Total Credits 33

CIP Code 13.1205

Thomas University's graduate programs for certified teachers are designed to enhance the role of the teacher as a leader in the school community. This degree is for certified teachers with a desire to become leaders and mentors, who are critical thinkers and reflective decision-makers in their schools.

Educators will strengthen proficiencies related to expected knowledge, skills and professional dispositions that are aligned with the expectations in professional and state standards, thereby increasing their marketability.

Upon completion of this program, students will have earned a Master of Education degree in Secondary Mathematics Education or a Master of Education degree in English Education and will be eligible for a certificate upgrade in the state of Georgia.


This program provides four graduate English courses. If a student wishes to teach English at the community college level, they may complete two additional graduate courses in English at Thomas University.


This program provides four graduate English courses. IF a student wishes to teach English at the community college level, they may complete two additional graduate courses in Mathematics at Thomas University

  • Highly competitive GACE exam pass rate.
  • Curriculum is built on research-based best practices, relevant professional learning, and applied experiences with student learning as the focus.
  • Much of the coursework involves job embedded assignments, designed to move a student from theory to practice.
  • Students take one course at a time during most semesters. Summer semesters plus one additional semester require two courses begin taken during the same i-week period.
  • Small class size provides more individual attention and support.
  • Faculty are experienced in K-12 education, highly credentialed, and support of students. Learn about our full-time faculty.
  • Many students who graduate with our M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction return to TU for an Education Specialist degree in Teacher Leadership.
  • The GRE is not required for admission.
  • A thesis is not required for graduation.
  • TU offers a discounted tuition rate for teachers.
  • Financial aid and month payment options are available.
  • Thomas University is ranked among the most affordable private institutions in Georgia, according to the Georgia Independent College Association.
  • Thomas University's Division of Education is authorized by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.

+Special Education

The MEd and EdS degrees in Special Education – General Curriculum provides advanced knowledge for teachers who are already certified in Special Education General Curriculum. Candidates who complete these programs may be eligible for Georgia Level 5 certification (MEd) or Level 6 certification (EdS).

Students pursuing the M.Ed in Special Education program must have a bachelors degree and certification in Special Education OR must pass the SPED GACE prior to program completion. A GACE assurance form must be signed for admission.


  • Introduction to Graduate Programs
  • Educational ?Assessment and Decision Making
  • Curriculum Design and Development for Student Achievement
  • Best Practices in Teaching and Learning
  • Policies and Procedures in Special Education
  • Seminar in Special Education: Current Trends and Issues
  • Educational Research Methods
  • Teacher as a Researcher
  • Collaborative Classrooms through Social Emotional Learning
  • Advanced Curriculum Development, Instruction & Assessment in SPED
  • Applying Technologies for Effective Instruction
  • Advanced Candidate program Completion


Students pursuing the EdS in Special Education program must have a M.Ed. degree and certification in Special Education OR must pass the SPED GACE prior to program completion. A GACE assurance form must be signed for admission.


  • Introduction to Graduate Programs
  • Leading the Professional Learning Community
  • Building Collaborative Teams
  • Observation and Analysis
  • Action Research for the School Leaders
  • Educational Law
  • Educational Policies in Special Education
  • Improving Colleagues Communication w/Families/Community
  • Using Data to Improve Schools
  • Advocacy and Leadership in Special Education
  • Critical Analysis of Special Education Literature
  • Advanced Candidate Program Completion


+Teacher Leadership

This program is for certified teachers with a desire to become leaders and mentors who are critical thinkers and reflective decision-makers in their schools who will facilitate improved teaching and learning by collaborating with and guiding colleagues. Graduates also possess the understandings that enable them to use fundamental research methods to address educational problems and assume leadership roles beyond the classroom.

Candidates admitted to the Teacher Leadership program must have 1 year certified teaching experience. A permanent Service (S) certificate P-12 requires a passing score on the Teacher Leadership GACE Performance Assessment. Students who do not wish to earn a Master’s or Specialist of Education degree may choose to complete the 18-hour Endorsement program in Teacher Leadership.

Thomas University is a small school with a big impact; it is one of the best kept secrets in higher education. Thomas University’s Teacher Leadership program has been instrumental in my career. I now have the promotion I wanted and the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful. The activities I did through my work at TU directly matched what I needed to know for my profession. The professors not only know all the current and cutting edge concepts and information in the field of education, but they also make it a point to know their students. They were readily available to answer any of my questions. If you are looking for a degree in education, undergraduate or graduate, Thomas University will not disappoint!
-Shelly Sheets, Ed.S., 2018

Program Director: Dr. Gale Neil 229-226-1621 ext 1135

Candidates admitted to the Master of Education degree in Teacher Leadership program must possess a Georgia induction of higher teaching certificate and have 1 year certified teaching experience.


  • Best Practices in Teaching and Learning
  • Curriculum Design and Development for Student Achievement
  • Educational Assessment and Decision-Making
  • Applying Technologies for Effective Instruction


  • Using Data to Improve Schools
  • Action Research for Teacher Leaders


  • Orientation to Advanced Programs in Education
  • Teacher as Leader and Mentor
  • Leading the Professional Learning Community
  • Building Collaborative Teams
  • Teacher Leadership Residency I
  • Teacher Leadership Residency II
  • Advanced Graduate Professional Dispositions


Upon graduation, students will earn a temporary P-12 Service Certificate in Teacher Leadership for 12 months. Passing the GACE Performance Assessment is required for permanent certification. GACE Performance Assessment in Teacher Leadership

CIP Code 13.0401

Candidates admitted to the Education Specialist in Teacher Leadership program must possess a Georgia induction of higher teaching certificate.

"I was student in your program who graduated last May and was one of the student speakers at the GaPSC Leadership Summit. I have some good news!  I am now an instructional coach for a local middle school. This has been a wonderful opportunity and learning experience for me, and TU has certainly equipped me with skills necessary to be an instructional coach. I am really happy with my new school and position. I brag on your program to anyone who will listen. "
Shelly Sheets, Ed.S. - 2018
  • Best Practices in Teaching and Learning
  • Curriculum Design and Development for Student Achievement
  • Educational Reform
  • Using Data to Improve Schools
  • Action Research for Teacher Leaders
  • Orientation to Advanced Programs in Education
  • Teacher as Leader and Mentor
  • Leading the Professional Learning Community
  • Educational Law
  • Building Collaborative Teams
  • Teacher Leader Residency I
  • Teacher Leader Residency II
  • Advanced Graduate Professional Dispositions

Upon graduation, students will earn a temporary P-12 Service Certificate in Teacher Leadership for 12 months. Passing the GACE Performance Assessment is required for permanent certification. GACE Performance Assessment in Teacher Leadership

CIP Code 13.0401
Candidates admitted to the Teacher Leadership Endorsement program must possess a Georgia induction of higher teaching certificate. The purpose of this program is to prepare classroom teachers to develop as leaders in their schools and school systems who will facilitate the design and implementation of sustained, intensive, and job-embedded professional learning based on identified student and teacher needs. The program results in an Endorsement in Teacher Leadership.

  • Orientation to Advanced Programs in Education
  • Teacher as Leader and Mentor
  • Best Practices in Teaching and Learning
  • Leading the Professional Learning Community
  • Using Data to Improve Schools
  • Building Collaborative Teams
  • Action Research for the Teacher Leader

Total Hours 18

CIP Code 13.0401
The purpose of the Thomas University Teacher Leadership programs is to prepare classroom teachers to develop as leaders within their grade levels, and in their P-12 schools and school systems. Teachers who choose the Teacher Leadership program do so to advance in their careers and expand their instructional knowledge, but who also may want to stay in or near the classroom.

Many teachers who graduate from the Thomas University Teacher Leadership programs become department chairs or grade-level team leaders. They also move into hybrid positions in which they both teach and take on instructional leadership responsibilities at the school level such as an instructional coach, or at the district level as a curriculum coordinator.

Additionally, many Georgia educators choose to obtain a teacher leadership certification through graduate studies to assist in their pursuit of the top tier of the Georgia tiered certification, known as the Lead Professional.
  • Highly competitive GACE exam pass rate.
  • Curriculum is built on research-based best practices, relevant professional learning, and applied experiences with student learning as the focus.
  • Much of the coursework involves job embedded assignments, designed to move a student from theory to practice.
  • Students take one course at a time during most semesters. Summer semesters plus one additional semester require two courses begin taken during the same i-week period.
  • Small class size provides more individual attention and support.
  • Faculty are experienced in K-12 education, highly credentialed, and supportive of students. Learn about our full-time faculty.
  • Many students who graduate with our M.Ed. in another area return to TU for an Education Specialist degree in Teacher Leadership.
  • The GRE is not required for admission.
  • A thesis is not required for graduation.
  • TU offers a discounted tuition rate for teachers.
  • Financial aid and monthly payment options are available.
  • Thomas University is ranked among the most affordable private institutions in Georgia, according to the Georgia Independent College Association.
  • Thomas University's Division of Education is authorized by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.

+Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.)

The Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) leads to an advanced degree and initial teaching certification in one of the following:

  • Elementary education grades (PK-5)
  • For those who have demonstrated content expertise in one of the teaching areas for middle grades (4-8), secondary (6-12), and all P-12 fields (except special education) and would receive teaching certification in that subject.
  • Special Education – Elementary Education (PK-5), or
  • Special Education – General Curriculum
  • The program is designed for paraprofessionals who have a bachelor’s degree, career-changing professionals, teachers who hold non-renewable certificates and want to earn a Clear Renewable master’s level certificate, and those with degrees in fields other than education who are interested in earning both initial certification and a master’s level teaching certification.

    The curriculum provides knowledge of the required content and instructional strategies.   Graduates of this program will enter the profession at the master’s degree level (T5) and garner a higher compensation than those who enter at the bachelor’s degree level.

    Program Director: Dr. Shannon Wood 229-226-1621 ext 1045

    The Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) in Elementary Education leads to an advanced degree and initial teaching certification in elementary grades (PK-5). The program is designed for paraprofessionals who have a bachelor's degree, career-changing professionals, teachers who hold non-renewable certificates and want to earn a Clear Renewable master's level certificate, and those with degrees in fields other than education who are interested in earning both initial certification and a master's level teaching certification in elementary education.

    The curriculum provides both knowledge of the content and instructional strategies required of PK-5 educators.  Graduates of this program will enter the profession at the master’s degree level (T5) and garner a higher compensation than those who enter at the bachelor’s degree level.

    The M.A.T. in Elementary Education requires 52 credit hours.  Courses meet online synchronously on Saturdays with online coursework on alternate weeks.


    • Orientation to Advanced Programs in Education
    • Foundations of Instruction
    • Clinical Practice I
    • Culturally Relevant Pedagogical Content Knowledge
    • Clinical Practice II
    • Leadership, Collaboration and Advocacy in Education
    • Applying Technology for Effective Instruction
    • Professional Learning and Ethical Practice
    • Educational Assessment and Decision-Making
    • Collaborative Classrooms Through Social Emotional Learning
    • Diversity and Exceptionality in the 21st Century Classroom
    • Patterns of Practice in ELA
    • Teaching Reading
    • Diagnosis & Remediation Reading Difficulties
    • Interdisciplinary Teaching Through Art, Music and Physical Education
    • Social Studies Curriculum
    • Mathematics Curriculum Development
    • Science Curriculum Development

    CIP Code 13.1203

    The Master of Arts in Pedagogy is intended for those who have demonstrated content expertise in one of the teaching areas for middle grades (4-8), secondary (6-12), and all P-12 fields (except special education) and would receive teaching certification in that subject.

    Graduates of this program will enter the profession at the master’s degree level (T5) and garner a higher compensation than those who enter at the bachelor’s degree level.

    This program requires 34 credit hours. Courses meet online synchronously on Saturdays with online coursework on alternate weeks.


    • Orientation to Advanced Programs in Education
    • Foundations of Instruction
    • Clinical Practice I
    • Culturally Relevant Pedagogical Content Knowledge
    • Clinical Practice II
    • Leadership, Collaboration and Advocacy in Education
    • Applying Technology for Effective Instruction
    • Professional Learning and Ethical Practice
    • Educational Assessment and Decision-Making
    • Collaborative Classrooms Through Social Emotional Learning
    • Diversity and Exceptionality in the 21st Century Classroom
    • Patterns of Practice in ELA

    CIP Code 13.0101

    Available teaching areas and fields:

    Teaching FieldGrade LevelContent Area
    Foreign LanguagesP-12American Sign Language
    Foreign LanguagesP-12Arabic
    Secondary6-12Architectural Drawing and Design
    Secondary6-12Audio/Video Technology & Film
    Secondary6-12Automotive Service Tech
    Secondary6-12Behavioral Science
    Foreign LanguagesP-12Chinese (Mandarin)
    Secondary6-12Collision Repair
    Secondary6-12Computer Animation
    FieldsP-12Computer Science
    Secondary6-12Culinary Arts
    Secondary6-12Distribution and Logistics
    Secondary6-12Earth/Space Science
    Secondary6-12Electronics Technology
    Secondary6-12Engineering and Technology
    FieldsP-12English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
    Secondary6-12Family/Consumer Science
    Foreign LanguagesP-12Farsi
    Foreign LanguagesP-12French
    Foreign LanguagesP-12German
    FieldsP-12Gifted - Language Arts
    FieldsP-12Gifted - Mathematics
    FieldsP-12Gifted - Reading
    FieldsP-12Gifted - Science
    FieldsP-12Gifted - Science
    FieldsP-12Gifted - Social Science
    FieldsP-12Gifted Consultative
    Secondary6-12Government & Public Relations
    Secondary6-12Granite Technology
    Secondary6-12Graphic Communications & Design
    Foreign LanguagesP-12Greek (Classical)
    FieldsP-12Health & Physical Education
    FieldsP-12Health Education
    Secondary6-12Healthcare Science Technology
    Foreign LanguagesP-12Hebrew
    Foreign LanguagesP-12Hindi
    Secondary6-12IT/Info Services & Support
    Secondary6-12IT/Network Systems
    Secondary6-12IT/Programming & Software Development
    Foreign LanguagesP-12Italian
    Foreign LanguagesP-12Japanese
    Secondary6-12JROTC (Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy)
    Foreign LanguagesP-12Korean
    Middle Grades4-8Language Arts
    Foreign LanguagesP-12Latin
    Secondary6-12Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
    Secondary6-12Manufacturing & Engineering Sciences
    Secondary6-12Marine Service Technology
    Middle Grades4-8Mathematics
    Secondary6-12Political Science
    Foreign LanguagesP-12Portuguese
    Secondary6-12Precision Machine Technology
    Middle Grades4-8Reading
    Foreign LanguagesP-12Russian
    Middle Grades4-8Science
    Secondary6-12Sheet Metal
    Middle Grades4-8Social Science
    Foreign LanguagesP-12Spanish
    Secondary 6-12Speech
    Foreign LanguagesP-12Swahili
    Foreign LanguagesP-12Turkish
    Foreign LanguagesP-12Urdu
    Secondary6-12Welding Technology

    The Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) in Special Education - Elementary Ed leads to an advanced degree and initial teaching certification in elementary grades (PK-5). The program is designed for paraprofessionals who have a bachelor's degree, career-changing professionals, teachers who hold non-renewable certificates and want to earn a Clear Renewable master's level certificate, and those with degrees in fields other than education who are interested in earning both initial certification and a master's level teaching certification in elementary education.

    The curriculum provides both knowledge of the content and instructional strategies required of PK-5 educators.  Graduates of this program will enter the profession at the master’s degree level (T5) and garner a higher compensation than those who enter at the bachelor’s degree level.

    The M.A.T. in Special Education - Elementary Education requires 57 credit hours.  Courses meet online synchronously on Saturdays with online coursework on alternate weeks.


    • Introduction to Graduate Programs
    • Applying Technologies for Effective Instruction for MAT
    • Foundations of Instruction
    • Early Childhood Curriculum and Instruction
    • Special Education Ethics, Policies and Procedures
    • Collaborative Classrooms Through Social Emotional Learning
    • Clinical Practice I
    • Educational Assessment and Decision-Making
    • Comprehension, Curricular and Programmatic Strategies
    • Mathematics Curriculum Development and Methods
    • Curriculum Design and Adaptation in Special Education
    • Leadership, Collaboration and Advocacy in Education
    • Diversity and Exceptionality in the 21st Century Classroom
    • Social Studies Curriculum Development and Methods
    • Science Curriculum Development and Methods
    • Culturally Relevant Pedagogical Content
    • Clinical Practice II
    • Patterns of Practice in ELA
    • Methods of Teaching Students with Special Needs


    CIP Code 13.1203

    The Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) in Special Education - General Curriculum leads to an advanced degree and initial teaching certification. The program is designed for paraprofessionals who have a bachelor's degree, career-changing professionals, teachers who hold non-renewable certificates and want to earn a Clear Renewable master's level certificate, and those with degrees in fields other than education who are interested in earning both initial certification and a master's level teaching certification in elementary education.

    The curriculum provides both knowledge of the content and instructional strategies required of educators.  Graduates of this program will enter the profession at the master’s degree level (T5) and garner a higher compensation than those who enter at the bachelor’s degree level.

    The M.A.T. in Special Education - General Curriculum requires 45 credit hours.  Students are required to have 15 credits toward Middle Grades Content in Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts or Reading. Students who do not already have the required credits must be willing to complete them while in the program.

    Courses meet online synchronously on Saturdays with online coursework on alternate weeks.


    • Introduction to Graduate Programs
    • Applying Technologies for Effective Instruction for MAT
    • Foundations of Instruction
    • Special Education Ethics, Policies and Procedures
    • Collaborative Classrooms Through Social Emotional Learning
    • Clinical Practice I
    • Educational Assessment and Decision-Making
    • Comprehension, Curricular and Programmatic Strategies
    • Curriculum Design and Adaptation in Special Education
    • Leadership, Collaboration and Advocacy in Education
    • Diversity and Exceptionality in the 21st Century Classroom
    • Culturally Relevant Pedagogical Content
    • Clinical Practice II
    • Patterns of Practice in ELA
    • Methods of Teaching Students with Special Needs


    CIP Code 13.1203

Fieldwork Information

Thomas University

Education that Engages

1501 Millpond Road
Thomasville, GA 31792
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