Thomasville Singers to present ‘Benedictus’ Dec. 15

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Thomasville Singers will present their winter concert, “Benedictus,” at 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 15, at Thomasville First United Methodist Church, 425 N. Broad St.

“‘Benedictus’ means blessed in Latin,” M. Nicole Davis, Thomasville Singers Conductor, said. “Our opening piece begins with the words, ‘I can tell the world, yes, that I’m blessed.’ Vivaldi’s ‘Gloria,’ our major work for the season, uses Latin text. For me it was a matter of marrying the two portions of the concert. A few of our other selections also focus on life’s blessings.”

Thomasville Singers is a group of both Thomas University students and members of the community. The winter concert will include a variety of works.

“Our last winter concert was what I would call ‘hyper-holiday’ themed,” Davis said. “I wanted to widen the focus this year to ‘blessing’ and allow more flexibility in our repertoire. The Thoma­sville Singers will perform a collection of stand-alone selections in various styles followed by Antonio Vivaldi’s ‘Gloria.’”

Featured soloists for the first portion of the concert will include Rick McDonnell and Brandon Beery. Soloists for “Gloria” are Courtney Fitzgerald, Beth Hickox, Barbara Lang and Rebecca Ramsey. All are members of the Thomasville Singers.

“It is my hope that the audience sees the concert as our gift to them,” Davis said.

The Thomasville Singers are part of the Arts for the Community at Thomas University series. For additional information, call 229-227-6964 or email

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